Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Hasil gambar untuk macklemore


Macklemore was born on June 19, 1983, in Seattle, Washington. Taking to hip-hop as a kid, he eventually released solo work before succumbing to drug abuse and entering rehab in 2008. He then teamed up with producer Ryan Lewis, and the duo went on to have huge success with their debut album, The Heist, and the singles "Thrift Shop" and "Can't Hold Us," with millions of copies sold.

Background and Early Career

The rapper known as Macklemore was born Ben Haggerty on June 19, 1983, in Seattle, Washington, growing up in the Capitol Hill area. His mother was a social worker who encouraged her son to be supportive of difference. He took to performing as a child, and was influenced by the likes of hip-hop groups Kris Kross and Digital Underground as well as pop superstar Michael Jackson.
He eventually attended Garfield High School, the alma mater of musical luminaries like Quincy Jones and Jimi Hendrix. It was at Garfield where Haggerty started to use liquor and drugs heavily, though his parents tried to end the habit by moving him to another school and into a college-credit program.
He attended Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and in 2000 released an EP dubbed Open Your Eyes under the moniker Professor Macklemore. He released his full-length debut, The Language of My World, in 2005.

Abusing Drugs

With the young rapper increasingly entering the spotlight, he was consumed by the allure of sex and a variety of drugs, spiraling downward from the abuse. At his father's behest, Macklemore entered a 35-day rehab program in the summer of 2008.

Teaming With Ryan Lewis

Hasil gambar untuk macklemore & ryan lewisRight before he took steps to become sober, Macklemore had met teenage DJ and producer Ryan Lewis. The two teamed up and in 2010 released theVs. Redux EP. Rather than go the traditional record-label route, the duo opted instead to work on their full-length debut independently, relying on their own business savvy, hard work, word of mouth and online buzz. They released the album The Heist in October 2012.

Major Hits: 'Thrift Shop' and 'Can't Hold Us'

Hasil gambar untuk macklemore & ryan lewisThe album's lead single, "Thrift Shop," eventually reached the top of theBillboard Hot 100 chart, with eventual sales of more than 6 million downloads. The video for "Thrift Shop" has become a phenomenon as well, receiving tens of millions of YouTube views. The duo's second single, "Can't Hold Us," reached No. 1 on the Hot 100 chart as well, making Macklemore & Ryan Lewis the first duo in music history to have their first two singles reach the top of the pop charts.
Part of the duo's appeal is their innovation and reliance on ideas and lyrics that go against much of hip-hop's traditional swagger. "Thrift Shop" talks of a penchant for secondhand clothes, with a chorus sung by Wanz (a onetime software engineer in his fifties), while the Heist song "Same Love" features singer-songwriter Mary Lambert in a celebration of same-sex unions.
Macklemore and Lewis have embarked on a full-fledged international tour in 2013.

Bruno Mars

Hasil gambar untuk artikel bruno mars
Peter Gene Hernandez or we known as Bruno Mars was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on October 8 1985. He is an American singer-songwriter and record producer. Bruno grew up in Hawaii with his musical family, and he moved to Los Angeles after high school to try make it as a musician. 

Bruno began his career by writing songs for other artists such as B.o.B and Travie McCoy, to whom he lent vocals. He released his debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans in October 2010 to critical acclaim. He was nominated for seven Grammys at the 53rd Grammy Awards, winning Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for “Just the Way You Are”. He released his second album, Unorthodox Jukebox, in December 2012. 

Hasil gambar untuk bruno mars gif


Teza Sumendra

Teza Sumendra, have u listen his name? Who is he?
Hasil gambar untuk teza sumendraMarteza Sumendra or "Teza Sumendra", gua tau Teza karna adek gua sering banget muterin lagu lagunya Teza dirumah pake volume kenceng. dulu sih duluuu gua cuman tau nama dia doang, idk about his face, his life, his career, etc. im thinking that Teza had a big fat body, jelek, gak terkenal and im wrong all about that stupid things. i know Teza accidentally because my friend put Teza sexy picture on her wallpaper, and im fall in love for the first time i saw him. specially thanks to my friend <3<3<3

Hasil gambar untuk teza sumendra tumblr
hmmm.... gua suka apapun yang ada di dalam diri Teza start from his voice, his sexy lips, his tattoo, his song, his style, his performance.. i dont know why, everytime i heard his song im feelin' so blueee, and relax and also i enjoy his song really really reallyyy enjoy his song.  he cover a lot of song like bad, XO, Happy, body party, suit&tie, bang bang, toxic, royal, rocket, uptown funk, man in the mirror, OHHH GOD why did you create a perfect human like heee?? WHY?? 

Teza had single named "I want you, love" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfl4cFyMDXg

oh iya, dia juga udah ngerilis album perdananya dia "Teza Sumendra - Self Titled" (pokoknya isi albumnya KEREN SEMUAAAA).
Hasil gambar untuk teza sumendraseperti yang udah gua kasih tau diatas kalo dia suka ngecover, here's a some link video about his cover 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRwpjt0wxEY (Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson)
I found out all about him, I found his soundcloud accounthis twitter, his formspring, his youtube account, his religion, his biography, his band, his instagram, anything about him until I know that he was finalist of Indonesian Idol 2006 Teza satu musim sama Ihsan dan Dirly. But, unfortunately he was elimited in 3rd spectacular show ( Why people didnt give their vote for he?? why?!?! asdfghjkl...) HAHAHAHA

He had joined with Amanda and Friends, a music project initiated by a film editor who’s an R&B aficionado, Dinda Amanda. Now, besides singer, he is also a model at Edge Model Jakarta. Teza had a band that always he bring to every shows..
i think that's all i know about TEZA SUMENDRA. I hope you enjoy thiss 
and also sorry about my english HAHAHA ....

"Can I keep you in my arms?"
I Want You, Love - Teza Sumendra

Monday, September 19, 2016


5SOS merupakan band asal Sydney, Australia baranggotakan 4 orang. yang dimana umur mereka itu yaahh gak jauh beda dari gue HAHAHAHAHA ... bisa dibilang gue itu 5SOSFAM (Fandomnya mereka). 
semua yang ada dibawah itu hasil copas-an dari blog orang yaahh ada beberapa gue yang tulis tapi mayoritasnya sih copas dan gue baru sempet baca doang ...



ini kece beratttt mbak and mas browwh, dan dia itu suami gue yang ke ... (keberapa juga gak tau, sangking banyaknya suami) (suami gue ada Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake, Adam Sevani, Ryan Guzman, Adam Levine, Macklemore, ...)

Luke adalah Gitaris dan Main Vocalist

Nama : Lucas Robert Hemmings ( Luke Hemmings )
TTL    : 16 Juli 1996
twitter : @Luke5SOS
Fave color : Biru
Zodiac : Cancer

luke punya lesung pipit yang imut banget. mamanya luke itu adalah guru matematika. trus dia suka banget sama pizza. kalo binatang luke suka pingguin. Luke juga punya anjing namanya Molly, mirip nama monyetnya Justin Bieber yah.. haha


kalo ini gue sebutnya si big nose.. haha liat aja idungnya wkwkw.
banyak yang kira Calum ada keturuan asia padahal gak ada darah asia sama sekali. dia blasteran skotlandia sama kiwi. 

 Calum adalah Vocal dan bassist

Nama ; Calum Thomas Hood
TTL    : 25 Januari 1996
fave color : Biru
twitter : @Calum5SOS
Zodiac : Aquarius 

Calum cuma suka Keju Cheedar. Ciuman pertamanya Calum itu waktu umur 13 *yaahh.. gue lupa waktu itu sama gue atau bukan ya ??* tipe cewek calum itu ya cewek yang rambutnya coklat coklat gitu deh *sayang bgt rambut gue abu abu sih :(. beda sama luke yang suka pinguin, calum lebih suka anjing.


Yang ini gue juga suka :) eh sebenarnya semuanya gue suka sih,, hahah.. ini michael atau mike. warna asli rambutnya sebenarnya blonde tapi mike sering banget ngewarnain rambutnye. menurut gue dia itu rocker imut haha. dandanannya itu ala badboy gitu. tapi dimata gue tetep aja imut. haha

Mike adalah Vocal dan gitaris

Nama : Michael Gordon Clifford
ttl        : 20 november 1995
twitter : @Michael5SOS
Zodiac : Scorpio

Mike itu orangnya unik. dia obsesi banget sama cewek *ehem asal jangan playboy aja ya mike -_-* enggak seperti calum, mike gak milih cewek berdasarkan warna rambut. dia suka cewek, apapun warna rambutnya  *gue disini mike ! #Kibasrambut* . mike gak terlalu suka nama tengaahnya. dia juga gak suka tanda tangannya *ribet deh ni cowok -_- untung ganteng*  kesamaan gue sama mike itu kita berdua ANAK TUNGGAL alias gk punya saudara :))  pernah waktu disebuah acara, seorang fans melemparkan kondom kearah Mike. Gilaaa itu fans..! mau start duluan ajaa..-__-

 nah.. ini dia kakak tertua.. hhaha Ashton irwin adalah member paling murah senyum. ramah banget. paling gokil, tukang masaknya 5SOS karena dia doang yg bisa masak haha. awal tau 5SOS gue paling susah bedain Ashton sama Luke apa lagi kalo mata mereka gk keliatan. alias dari idung ke mulut. kalo sekarang ? udah hapal banget dong ashton adalah personil dengan senyum termanis sama kaya Luke, Ashton juga punya lesung pipit yang buat dia tambah guaannnteeeng 

Ashton adalah Vocal dan drummer

Nama ; Ashton Fletcher Irwin
Ttl      :  7 Juli 1994 
Fave Color : Merah 
twitter : @Ashton5SOS
Zodiac : Cancer

yang bikin gue klepek klepek sama aston itu salah satunya karena ini >>> "What type of girls do you like ?" Ashton : "Girls that are uniqe and beautiful in their own way" so sweet gk sih :3.  Ashton itu takut gelap ashaton suka kura-kura, trus buah fave nya itu nanas. mungkn karena umurnya lebih tua, dia itu tempat curhat paling baik, aston adalh pendengr yang baik. sebenarnya ashton tu pake kacamata. pernah liat foto ashton pake kaca mata dan rasanya gue langsung tau kalo dia itu calon pendamping gue